• Amanda is located in downtown Toronto, but serves all over southern Ontario. With family in Prince Edward County, she's there often.

    There may be a travel fee associated with your booking depending on location.

  • Typically photo session locations are chosen by my clients, but I always have some recommendations. I consider the type of shoot, both our locations, weather and time of day and we can decide something together! Checkout this blog post with a few recommendations.

  • No, however studio spaces are still an option if thats the style you are looking for! The client would incur the cost of the space rental.

  • Not typically, however I can always provide some recommendations! Read more about some of my recommendations here.

  • Amanda is a young mom of two, living and working in Toronto. Graphic Designer and Marketer by day, Amanda is constantly creating and designing beautiful art. She started taking photos when she was 12, over 20 years ago - Amanda has been professional photographer for the last 4 years photographing weddings, families and newborns.

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